24 October
Positives get rid of all unwanted baggage, such as: pessimism, anxiety, fear, sadness or lack of confidence; focusing clearly and optimistically on achieving their goals.
Positives get rid of all unwanted baggage, such as: pessimism, anxiety, fear, sadness or lack of confidence; focusing clearly and optimistically on achieving their goals.
There is pleasure in receiving something, but there is immense pleasure only when a goal is achieved.
Baptism with the Holy Spirit never happens by chance.
If you don’t want to frustrate those who depend on you, then know that you will have to depend on God.
If you don’t want to frustrate those who depend on you, then know that you will have to depend on God.
Being wholeheartedly, with one direction, no regrets or reservations, is what complete sacrifice takes to enable you to pass through the door of realization.
Shyness has been a deadly weapon to wipe out goals; confront your fears, traumas, complexes, people, circumstances and you will be a fulfilled person.